Monday, February 1, 2010

Langston Hughes' biography and poem Let America Be America Again

Who is Langston Hughes writing this poem for?

Langston Hhghes wrote this poem for to talk about the past and present of segregation in the united states and how its a man eat man world were everyone os scheming to get ahead in life he talks about the white and how they had to fight and they talk about slavery and how the indians were chased from their native land. he wrote it about how peoples hopes and dreams were taken and crushed how jobs were replaced by machines and the hard work that the farmers have to indure hard work and the people that came here from diffrent shores like africa but has had freedom that they will one day have.

Why was "America never America" to the poet?

America was never America to the poet because he never got payed for his work as a slave he never got a chance to be anything better than what he was he was stuff as one thing and one thing only a slave. that has not felt freedom and equality which is what this coutry was founded on and what yet has not been achieved.

How did his personal experience contribute to this poem?

His personal experience contributed to this poem because in it he was denied his love of writing by his father in a time of racial segregation in America.

How has America changed since Hughes wrote it?

America has now everyone is entitled to the rights to liberty as everyone else dispite the color of his skin.

What are three aspects of America that Hughes would still be ashamed of?

3 aspects of America that hughes would still be ashamed of are that is that machines still change america, that there are hardly any indians anymore, and finally that there is still racism in this country.

What are three aspects of America that would make Hughes proud?

3 aspects of america that Hughes would be proud of is that segregation in no longer legal, that we have a bi-racial president, and that now we have a month to congradulate the greatness that is africa.

How does this poem make you feel about America?

This poem makes me feel sad at what america was like it makes me feel like america was actually a bad nation that made many suffer under it especially in its ealier years and that there is still lasting effects from that time period but also proud at the changes for the better that have occured.


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