This is my reflection of service learning i think that Service Learning is important in a way that it makes you give back to the community. It gives an exentive to do what they would normally not do in some situation Service Learning not only helps people but it also gives us techniques that we will use later on in life like the plan that Barack Obama has already initiated that if someone does 50 hours of community's service they will get there first $4,000 of college already payed not only does that mean more money in your pocket but it also makes it easier for someone to attend College and live up to their American Dream by also giving back things that they might continue. I personally found it easy to get my hours and i got the satisfaction of knowing that someone will walk away with their Lawn done, Trash out, or even that there bags were brought to their house all i know is that i committed a publish service and I am 15 hours closer to graduating in 2012.

This is what service Learning means to me.
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