Friday, September 12, 2008

Graduation 2012

Mr R. please grade me on Intro/conclusion and voice.

Have you ever graduated from high school, college, even elementary school, or are you stuck at some corny job at McDonald's. I wont be one of those people I going to be on of the ones that do graduate. Since I already graduated from elementary school. I guess I'm tackling high school next. I know I'm going to make it my family, friends, and even myself wont let do anything but succeed. It’s thought being me and in the next 3 years it’s going to get thougher but I'm going to have to tough it out.

My friends are the best they always preach at me and till find a way to make me laugh. They are all skinny so they have enough energy to do 10 things at one time me I take just one at a time. Like my friend Kevin he always wears a white shirt and caps its like it’s his existence or something. Then Gina 2 words describe Gina air head its true what they say about Blonde's and Gina living proof but one thing is there really fun. Then there's Oniel he’s a fuel fleshed Gothic for Halloween he was walking the streets in his regular clothes and some kids say him and ran away he even won a the weirdest costume contest reason Oniel is one of my friends because he has dark humor and he’s different then all the rest lets face he all have weird in us just some show it more than other's. Anyway my friends are great they’re strict in their studies and fun too be around its a win, win.

Ms.Donna is really great she got me to the point that I am now. I'm really not a good writer like if I was in saw and I Had to write a good punctured letter or die I would be dead but thanks to her I've become a much better writer and I've become better in a lot of other subjects thanks to her. Do you really want to know why I will graduate its because of her.........and me. My Aunt is vicious went it comes to school. It's like when I get home she’s preaching me to go back to school "Eric take of your school clothes" and "Eric go to sleep early" and my favorite "Eric do your homework early" It's to much often I finish my mountain stack of Homework when I finally go to sleep I dream of I'm in school so when I wake up its like I'm going back like its a 24 hour job. My Dad is the same way and my Cousin there both the same way. When I'm not asking them for money for lunch. I'm telling them a list of materials "I need". They tell me "your school must for royalty cause I'm coming out of pocket to much" and my dad always chimes in with " Tu vas a tenar que encountered una nueva escuela yo no tengo dinero para dalte todos los dias" of course he always says but still gives me the money.

The real reason I will graduate in 2012 is because I push myself to the extent that I try to do the best I can and as everyone knows hard work rewards itself and with hard work patience and persistence I will succeed in all my goals and expectations I have in life and follow my dreams.
In conclusion in 10 years your going to see me in a judge chair hearing a case and not working at McDonald’s and all because I graduated in 2012 and 2016 and 2019. I hope you graduated and are not working at some fast food place.