What’s the perfect recipe for a bad dad?
Huckleberry Finn
“Don’t back sass me ill cowhide you and wipe you till your tan.” The recipe for a bad dad is easy. All people need to have a dad with an addiction, a dad that’s beats you, and someone that after all that’s leaves you all alone and doesn’t want you to succeed. That’s a bad father.
If people want a deadbeat dad. You need someone that’s and alcoholic, or is in to drugs, then you probably have Huckleberry Finns dad “pap.” “And when he got to getting thirsty he went out and got himself a gallon of bear and was acting a fool.” That’s shows people that have a problem’s with an addiction. Then they are not a good dad, and are more like “pap”
Next Huckleberry’s dad beats him constantly. You can blame all of Huckleberry’s shortcomings on his “pap.” People call him a “good for nothing that likes to be free and not sophistimacatic.” If a person beats their kids, then they are just pushing them away. “That’s right you better not let me catch you at that school or ill wipe you till your tan.” “When I didn’t come quick like he abused me again but I was used to it.” This shows that beating somebody is not the best way to win his or her love. In the end he’s pushing Huckleberry away.
If someone’s dad leaves you and suddenly comes back into their life, and tell you to stop doing something of yourself. That’s not a good dad “what a bastard.” If someone has not seen their father for a long time, and then when their father breaks into their room to tell them to not go to school because “he didn’t, and he doesn’t want you to be better then that him.” “Now you listen to me I not egumacatic and know body in are family was edumacatic when they did and nether are you.” Your momma wasn’t edumacatic when she died.” You trying to be better then your old pa well you aint what a son.” If people don’t have encouragement. Then how are they to succeed?
Obliviously if someone wants to be a deadbeat dad then they need, to be addicted to something, whip their kids, and squash their dreams. Just because I wrote how to be a deadbeat, dad doesn’t mean someone should go out and be one. If anything go out and do the opposite of what I said. “Hah come back and read some more now you hear.”
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
What The Election Means To Me
How I Fell In This Election
This election means real change for me it means that this nation has left behind its racist background and has made a it clear that even if you are a minority that no one really pays attention too you can make it an make your problems that you are facing know for Barack Obama to be president means that someday maybe I can become president. Many time mothers tell their children that you an be whatever you like you can be president if you wanted to this is the only proof that we really can it is not just me who fells this way 1 of my best friends that is not exactly legal believes that now he the sacrifices he has made to get to this country are worth it that he truly lives in the land of freedom and opportunities.
This election means real change for me it means that this nation has left behind its racist background and has made a it clear that even if you are a minority that no one really pays attention too you can make it an make your problems that you are facing know for Barack Obama to be president means that someday maybe I can become president. Many time mothers tell their children that you an be whatever you like you can be president if you wanted to this is the only proof that we really can it is not just me who fells this way 1 of my best friends that is not exactly legal believes that now he the sacrifices he has made to get to this country are worth it that he truly lives in the land of freedom and opportunities.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
rough draft
Eric Rivera
Mr.Brasof, Mrs. Thomson,
US Constitution, computers
October 24, 2008
Thomas Paine do you know this man do you now that if it wasn’t for him we would still be considered British property he shaped American life not by a sword but with a pen. If it wasn’t for him none of us would be able to vote, talk freely, or even think for are self’s. Now your asking how did he do all this with a pen well his pamphlets inspired American to act when the British where pushing us on taxes. If it wasn’t for Thomas Paine we would have a George Washington or a Benedict Arnold you sure can do a lot when you know how to write well that is why I choose him for my nhd project because of his accomplishes in freedom but true freedom is still not achievable by all.
The historical problem was that the 13 colonies were still under control by the British and were being overly taxes to regubinate the British bank after the war that they had been in and Americans were filling the blow of the taxes and needed a fire in their hearts in order to act. Thomas Paine saw the oppression of the people in the colonies and wrote Common Sense in order to light that fire. Benjamin Franklin and Isaac Newton were the reason for his stand to action and also He knew the oppression that The British monarchy could bring upon a person and decided that he would not let the people of the colonies suffer. Thomas Paine achieved key success when he first wrote Common Sense and people read it and realized that they were being abused and made them stand up and fight. When they realized they wanted freedom and to break away because of Common Sense from his work came George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Son and daughters of liberty. The first battle took place in concord and Lexington it was the first victory in the battle went to the Americans that broke the British moral and caused 20% casualties in their army. Paine used his talents of writing to shape Americans future and during the battle in their battle Thomas Paine fought with the Americans and in his battles with them wrote “The Crisis”(1776-83) that told Americans how their worriers were doing and what they needed. If it not for Thomas Paine the colonials would never stand up and fight for our independence we still inherit from his contributions today.
This person connects to nhd because if not for his actions we would be Americans today his legacy is left behind with “Common Sense”(1776) “The Crisis”(1776-83) “The Rights of Man”(1791-92) and “The Age Reason (1794-96). People should care are about Thomas Paine today because if it was not for him are ancestors would not have fought for their independence and we would still be under control by the British and all of our achievement from 1776-the present would not have been possible. Thomas Paine is not famous because when he returned back from Europe he was not welcomed back because of his religious beliefs. He should be famous because he is one of the founding fathers of freedom. Today Thomas Paine known as a great American who contributed to our liberty he can fell him every time we express one of our liberties and when we that we are recall great Americans and those who contributed to our heritage. Thomas Paine was part of a bigger movement then the revolutionary war he was responsible for making show are strength as people and making us see that we are capable of caring for ourselves and expanding and surviving on our own he is responsible for every change from the revolutionary war until today because he made fight for our freedom.
Mr.Brasof, Mrs. Thomson,
US Constitution, computers
October 24, 2008
Thomas Paine do you know this man do you now that if it wasn’t for him we would still be considered British property he shaped American life not by a sword but with a pen. If it wasn’t for him none of us would be able to vote, talk freely, or even think for are self’s. Now your asking how did he do all this with a pen well his pamphlets inspired American to act when the British where pushing us on taxes. If it wasn’t for Thomas Paine we would have a George Washington or a Benedict Arnold you sure can do a lot when you know how to write well that is why I choose him for my nhd project because of his accomplishes in freedom but true freedom is still not achievable by all.
The historical problem was that the 13 colonies were still under control by the British and were being overly taxes to regubinate the British bank after the war that they had been in and Americans were filling the blow of the taxes and needed a fire in their hearts in order to act. Thomas Paine saw the oppression of the people in the colonies and wrote Common Sense in order to light that fire. Benjamin Franklin and Isaac Newton were the reason for his stand to action and also He knew the oppression that The British monarchy could bring upon a person and decided that he would not let the people of the colonies suffer. Thomas Paine achieved key success when he first wrote Common Sense and people read it and realized that they were being abused and made them stand up and fight. When they realized they wanted freedom and to break away because of Common Sense from his work came George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Son and daughters of liberty. The first battle took place in concord and Lexington it was the first victory in the battle went to the Americans that broke the British moral and caused 20% casualties in their army. Paine used his talents of writing to shape Americans future and during the battle in their battle Thomas Paine fought with the Americans and in his battles with them wrote “The Crisis”(1776-83) that told Americans how their worriers were doing and what they needed. If it not for Thomas Paine the colonials would never stand up and fight for our independence we still inherit from his contributions today.
This person connects to nhd because if not for his actions we would be Americans today his legacy is left behind with “Common Sense”(1776) “The Crisis”(1776-83) “The Rights of Man”(1791-92) and “The Age Reason (1794-96). People should care are about Thomas Paine today because if it was not for him are ancestors would not have fought for their independence and we would still be under control by the British and all of our achievement from 1776-the present would not have been possible. Thomas Paine is not famous because when he returned back from Europe he was not welcomed back because of his religious beliefs. He should be famous because he is one of the founding fathers of freedom. Today Thomas Paine known as a great American who contributed to our liberty he can fell him every time we express one of our liberties and when we that we are recall great Americans and those who contributed to our heritage. Thomas Paine was part of a bigger movement then the revolutionary war he was responsible for making show are strength as people and making us see that we are capable of caring for ourselves and expanding and surviving on our own he is responsible for every change from the revolutionary war until today because he made fight for our freedom.
Monday, October 27, 2008
4 annotation Erik Klemetti, Jonathan Schmalzbach, Douglas Heller, and Mark Biddle
August 18, 2001 October 27, 2008
This article gives a look at at the crisis and that it tates when Thomas Paine was fighting along side the American soldiers and wrote "The Crisis" and how it influences Americans to help there men out in battle.
This article gives links to the other works by Thomas Paine labeled "The Crisis". This is a primary source which include letters to the editors and and other works about thomas paine and his biography. Erik Klemetti, Jonathan Schmalzbach, Douglas Heller, and Mark Biddle are the project revising team.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Second Annotation
Thomas pain
July 25, 1776 10/17/08
The articles gives a brief introduction of Thomas Paines first pamphlet Common Sense(1776) as it talks about what it says and how it inspired American to act against the British.
The article is a primary source it gives link's to the biography of Thomas Paine and his other pamphlets The Crisis(1776-77) The Rights of Man(1791) and the Age of Man(1794-96)
The co-writers, Erik Klemetti, Jonathan Schmalzbach, Douglas Heller, and Mark Biddle are the project revising team.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
"The night I won the streets of Memphis" blog questions for between the line
1. What is the theme of the story?
Answer. The theme of the story is violence. The first reason why it is violence is because true men are introduced into society through the use of violence. When they do use violence they lose a piece of them selves along the way, "I'll kill you" is the way that you see that Richard lose a piece of himself. A second example is that the use of violence is tearing this country of ours apart. The murder rate in the Philadelphia is increases every year. Obviously, the theme of the story is violence. When people use violence they lose apiece of themselves along the way, and its kills innocent people daily.
2. What was the climax of the story?
Answer. There consist of many climaxes in this story. The first of the climax is when Richard mother slaps him in the face and kicks him out of the house. "Don't you come back in this house until you have does grocery's" this is one of the cross roads for Richard to deal with go and get bitten by his mom or go and fight to buy does grocery's. Another is when he's at the corner. He must think of what he could this shows that Richard is certain of what he should do. Obviously there are many climaxes to this story, which on is most important "Don’t know."
3. What are the main conflicts in this story?
Answer. All five of the conflicts appear in this story. The main ones are "Man vs. Society" and "Man vs. Self." The First important one is "Man vs. Society" it is shown by the Gang of Kids in the streets and by his Mother. Society telling him to become a man and his mother giving him the tool to become a man and him taking it and falling into the trap that society has set for him. Second of all "Man vs. Self.". that shows the external problems forming in his mine threw the events that have happened to him. Obviously "Man vs. Society" and "Man vs. Self" are the main topic's in this story.
4. Who are the main character in the story?
Answer. The theme of the story is violence. The first reason why it is violence is because true men are introduced into society through the use of violence. When they do use violence they lose a piece of them selves along the way, "I'll kill you" is the way that you see that Richard lose a piece of himself. A second example is that the use of violence is tearing this country of ours apart. The murder rate in the Philadelphia is increases every year. Obviously, the theme of the story is violence. When people use violence they lose apiece of themselves along the way, and its kills innocent people daily.
2. What was the climax of the story?
Answer. There consist of many climaxes in this story. The first of the climax is when Richard mother slaps him in the face and kicks him out of the house. "Don't you come back in this house until you have does grocery's" this is one of the cross roads for Richard to deal with go and get bitten by his mom or go and fight to buy does grocery's. Another is when he's at the corner. He must think of what he could this shows that Richard is certain of what he should do. Obviously there are many climaxes to this story, which on is most important "Don’t know."
3. What are the main conflicts in this story?
Answer. All five of the conflicts appear in this story. The main ones are "Man vs. Society" and "Man vs. Self." The First important one is "Man vs. Society" it is shown by the Gang of Kids in the streets and by his Mother. Society telling him to become a man and his mother giving him the tool to become a man and him taking it and falling into the trap that society has set for him. Second of all "Man vs. Self.". that shows the external problems forming in his mine threw the events that have happened to him. Obviously "Man vs. Society" and "Man vs. Self" are the main topic's in this story.
4. Who are the main character in the story?
Answer. The main character of the story are Roger and Rogers mom. The first reason why Roger is the main character is because the story revolves around Roger and he is followed threw the whole story. He himself tells it you can tell it's going to be about himself, "I was proud" "I felt like a grown up" from this you get a basic idea of what it's about and that he is a main character. Second of all Rogers mother is a main character. She forces Roger to fight the Gang of Boys or not come into the house again "Don't come into this house until you gotten those grocery's." "Go now and don't come back without those grocery's or I'll whip you it is this ultimatum that made Roger go and defend himself. Obviously the main characters are Roger and his Mother are the main characters because without each others the story would not be the same.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
3 annotation thesis statement and intro to paper
Erik klemetti, Jonathan Schmalzbach, Douglas Heller, and Mark Biddle
September19, 2002.
September19, 2002.
This articles gives a brief biography of Thomas Paine's early life and his life and the book that he has written throw out his life will growing up in Thetford,England and how he became involved in the American Revolution. This article also gives links to his books Common Sense and how it influenced Americans, to win their independence from Britain.
The article offers several primary sources, including links to the books Common Sense(1776), The Crisis(1776-77), The Rights of Man(1791-92), and the Age of Reason(1794-96). The co-writers, Erik Klemetti, Jonathan Schmalzbach, Douglas Heller, and Mark Biddle are the project revising team.
Example thesis statement and introduction:
Thomas Paine is a literacy genuise that throw his phamplets shaped American history. He wrote Common Sense that made Americans see that they were being abused by Britain and burned a lust for freedom in their hearts and souls. becouse of his many comtrebusions to American literacy he and his work's has made America rise up and stand on its on. But it would be many years before "true freedom for all rings".
Friday, October 10, 2008
Blooms Taxonamy Questions and Answers for "The Night I won the rights to the streets of Memphis"
Hey Mr.Romero these are my "the night i won the rights to the streets of memphis" questions
3. Where does the story take place?
5. Who bet up richard?
6. How did Richard defend himself?
eric rivera englishI period 4
1. What is the name of the narrator in "the night i won the rights to the streets of memphis?
1. What is the name of the narrator in "the night i won the rights to the streets of memphis?
answer. The name of the narrator in "the night i won the rights to the streets of memphis" is Richard Wright
2. Who are the characters in the story?
answer. the charaters in the story are richard right the main character, the gang of boys that beat up richard in numerouds occasions, the parents of the gang of children who start yelling at richard for hitting there children, and richard mother who forces him to fight
3. Where does the story take place?
answer. the story takes place in a block in the streets of Memphis where richard gets jumped
4. What is the name of the story?
answer. the name of the story is "the night i won the rights to the streets of memphis" by.richard wright
5. Who bet up richard?
answer. the gang of boys bet up richard and took his money and basket
6. How did Richard defend himself?
answer. Richard defended himself by graping the stick that his mother gave him and striking the skulls of the Gang of Boys
7. What happened at the end of the story?
answer. At the end of the story Richard went outside and finally defended himself against the Gang of Boys yelled at their parents and went to the store to buy the groceries
8. What did the mother say after the 3 time richard got beat up!?
answer. The 3 time that Richard got beat up his mom said "Take this money,note, and this stick" "Go to the store and if those boys bother you again then fight"
9. What weapon did she give him to defend himself?
answer. She gave him a stick to defend himself
10. Where did he hit the boy first at?
answer. First he hit him in the skull first
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
1 Annotation
this is a secoundary source, "There are many times that try a mans soul"
Thomas Paine, was born on January 29,1737 in Thetford, England. His father was a corseter. At the age of 12, Paine fluked out of school. After that he apprenticed with his father but that didn't work out so he became a tax officer and was discharged twice in 4 years. In 1772 he wrote The Case of the Officers of Excise, arguing for them to raise the officers. In 1774 he met Benjamin Franklin and he went down to Philadelphia. When he say the tyranny they were facing from the British and wrote Common Sense to influence Americans to stand up against the British. After the war started he going the battlefield and was a bad soldier but then he wrote The Crisis that helped inspire the Continental army. Later he traveled to Europe where he rote The Rights of Man during the French revolution and was named a traitor by Brittan and later put in jail for not supporting the execution of king Louis xvi. And was later released in 1774,nealrly escaping execution with the help of James Monroe. He latter went back to Philadelphia were everyone rejected him for leaving and he died June 8,1809 at 72. It was written historic team. I choose him because he helped shape my freedom and that of millions threw his texts. This is a secondary source.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Favorite part of "Thank you M'am"
Mr.R please grade me on intro/conclusion and transition's
Imagine if you wanted shoes and you tried to mug a old lady and she bet you up and took you to her house and changed your life. You'll find all that and more in thank you M'am. My favorite part's are characters Roger, Mrs.Jones, and the there actions are something that will grab your attention. If you like conflict you'll love it as much as I did.
One of the most, complex yet simple to understand characters from thank you M'am is Roger. He's a poor kid who tried to rob a old lady to get some Blue Suede Shoes. He ended up getting kicked in the butt and dragged away to her house. I know what your thinking, what she do to him. Did she bet him or something. She really she took him and changed his life for the better. She Baptist him, feed him, and after that gave him the $10.00, for the Blue Suede Shoes. What Roger did with the money we'll never know.
Another one, of my favorite characters is Mrs.Jones. Mrs.Jones is a heavy set lady that who almost gets robed by Roger because he wanted Blue Suede Shoes. Mrs. Roger teaches Roger a lesson in attitude by telling him hes not alone. "I've done things that would tell god if he didn't all ready know". With this line and many others Mrs.Jones changes Roger's life. After she feed him and changed his life she still gives Roger the $10.00 he wanted for the Blue Suede Shoes and then closes the door. Will they ever see each other again who knows except Langston Hughes.
I would have to say that out of everything my extremly favorite part of "Thank You M'am are the characters action's. When Roger tried to steal from Mrs.Jones and she goes right around and kicks him in the butt. Then she goes right around and starts to drag him threw the street saying "You going to remember miss Luella Bates Washington Jones" if you don't know that's Mrs.Jones. You would think that she would take him to the cops but no she take him back to her small apartment, feed's him, talks to him, and cleans up. When Mrs.Jones or Luella gets up to clean up she leaves her purse unattended and the door is open he could run but decides not to and that represents a good change in Roger he's experienced's. Later on she gives him the money to buy the shoes. When he tried to say "Thank you M'am" he cant tell her the words and the door closes in his face.
In final recognitions, "Thank you M'ams" characters are great. Roger and Mrs.Jones and there action's deliver a home run. Roger wanted to rob Mrs.Jones for the Blue Suede Shoes but ended up getting changed into a better person. Mrs.Jones ended up changing the destiny of what are is unusually called a street rat into something better. So put yourself in Rogers shoes and some lady griped you up because you wanted shoes is it worth it
Imagine if you wanted shoes and you tried to mug a old lady and she bet you up and took you to her house and changed your life. You'll find all that and more in thank you M'am. My favorite part's are characters Roger, Mrs.Jones, and the there actions are something that will grab your attention. If you like conflict you'll love it as much as I did.
One of the most, complex yet simple to understand characters from thank you M'am is Roger. He's a poor kid who tried to rob a old lady to get some Blue Suede Shoes. He ended up getting kicked in the butt and dragged away to her house. I know what your thinking, what she do to him. Did she bet him or something. She really she took him and changed his life for the better. She Baptist him, feed him, and after that gave him the $10.00, for the Blue Suede Shoes. What Roger did with the money we'll never know.
Another one, of my favorite characters is Mrs.Jones. Mrs.Jones is a heavy set lady that who almost gets robed by Roger because he wanted Blue Suede Shoes. Mrs. Roger teaches Roger a lesson in attitude by telling him hes not alone. "I've done things that would tell god if he didn't all ready know". With this line and many others Mrs.Jones changes Roger's life. After she feed him and changed his life she still gives Roger the $10.00 he wanted for the Blue Suede Shoes and then closes the door. Will they ever see each other again who knows except Langston Hughes.
I would have to say that out of everything my extremly favorite part of "Thank You M'am are the characters action's. When Roger tried to steal from Mrs.Jones and she goes right around and kicks him in the butt. Then she goes right around and starts to drag him threw the street saying "You going to remember miss Luella Bates Washington Jones" if you don't know that's Mrs.Jones. You would think that she would take him to the cops but no she take him back to her small apartment, feed's him, talks to him, and cleans up. When Mrs.Jones or Luella gets up to clean up she leaves her purse unattended and the door is open he could run but decides not to and that represents a good change in Roger he's experienced's. Later on she gives him the money to buy the shoes. When he tried to say "Thank you M'am" he cant tell her the words and the door closes in his face.
In final recognitions, "Thank you M'ams" characters are great. Roger and Mrs.Jones and there action's deliver a home run. Roger wanted to rob Mrs.Jones for the Blue Suede Shoes but ended up getting changed into a better person. Mrs.Jones ended up changing the destiny of what are is unusually called a street rat into something better. So put yourself in Rogers shoes and some lady griped you up because you wanted shoes is it worth it
Monday, September 15, 2008
figure in history Thomas Paine
THOMAS PAINE wrote the book common sense that started to in rage the p
eople and somewhat started the revolutionary war. This really important because without his pamphlet we as American would not have the rage to start the revolutionary war and win against the British and win are Independence and grow as 1 of the worlds strongest nation. instead we would be under British colonial rule. Still being used as a way to get money threw taxes. That is why I have chosen Thomas Paine as my NHD project.

Friday, September 12, 2008
Graduation 2012
Mr R. please grade me on Intro/conclusion and voice.
Have you ever graduated from high school, college, even elementary school, or are you stuck at some corny job at McDonald's. I wont be one of those people I going to be on of the ones that do graduate. Since I already graduated from elementary school. I guess I'm tackling high school next. I know I'm going to make it my family, friends, and even myself wont let do anything but succeed. It’s thought being me and in the next 3 years it’s going to get thougher but I'm going to have to tough it out.
My friends are the best they always preach at me and till find a way to make me laugh. They are all skinny so they have enough energy to do 10 things at one time me I take just one at a time. Like my friend Kevin he always wears a white shirt and caps its like it’s his existence or something. Then Gina 2 words describe Gina air head its true what they say about Blonde's and Gina living proof but one thing is there really fun. Then there's Oniel he’s a fuel fleshed Gothic for Halloween he was walking the streets in his regular clothes and some kids say him and ran away he even won a the weirdest costume contest reason Oniel is one of my friends because he has dark humor and he’s different then all the rest lets face he all have weird in us just some show it more than other's. Anyway my friends are great they’re strict in their studies and fun too be around its a win, win.
Ms.Donna is really great she got me to the point that I am now. I'm really not a good writer like if I was in saw and I Had to write a good punctured letter or die I would be dead but thanks to her I've become a much better writer and I've become better in a lot of other subjects thanks to her. Do you really want to know why I will graduate its because of her.........and me. My Aunt is vicious went it comes to school. It's like when I get home she’s preaching me to go back to school "Eric take of your school clothes" and "Eric go to sleep early" and my favorite "Eric do your homework early" It's to much often I finish my mountain stack of Homework when I finally go to sleep I dream of I'm in school so when I wake up its like I'm going back like its a 24 hour job. My Dad is the same way and my Cousin there both the same way. When I'm not asking them for money for lunch. I'm telling them a list of materials "I need". They tell me "your school must for royalty cause I'm coming out of pocket to much" and my dad always chimes in with " Tu vas a tenar que encountered una nueva escuela yo no tengo dinero para dalte todos los dias" of course he always says but still gives me the money.
The real reason I will graduate in 2012 is because I push myself to the extent that I try to do the best I can and as everyone knows hard work rewards itself and with hard work patience and persistence I will succeed in all my goals and expectations I have in life and follow my dreams.
In conclusion in 10 years your going to see me in a judge chair hearing a case and not working at McDonald’s and all because I graduated in 2012 and 2016 and 2019. I hope you graduated and are not working at some fast food place.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
immagration and the presidential nomination
immigration is a very serious issue i am pro immigration person barack shares a 83% percent rating with me McCain shares a 46% percent barack and McCain both believe in citizenship with immigrants McCain strongly supports building a fence barack is middle barack strongly opposes English as the main language McCain approves. i have contracted and compared the ideas of the 2 candidates and i am still pro obama McCain is going down.
Friday, September 5, 2008
why the the country could elect obama or mccain
i believe the country should elect obama instite of mccain. the first reason is that barack stated his campaign on on change for the better not slandering the name of his competetor his runing strategy has always been direct and forward they are as faloud with his primary goal being to the end the war in iraq another is to increase international relations and finally to make better healthcare, tax brakes, and foreclosur for the middle class so in conclusion voting obama is voting for change for the better.
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